Sunday, November 27, 2011

Vacation Wrap-Up chez Nous

It's unbelievably mild outside and we are in the throes of putting the garden to rest. I want that calm sense that comes from trimming the dead branches, raking up the leaves, pulling up the dahlia tubers to winter over in the shed, the butterfly bush diminished to the ground- all the various chores that insure a nice frosty rest for the lawn, flowers, shrubs and trees. I am often awestruck by the garden's last floral display, and my current favorite is this mystery rose I found on a clearance table at the grocery store last September. Marked $1.99, forlorn and abandoned, I had to bring it home and find it a spot to thrive. Its flowers turned out to be a funny swirl of pink, orange and yellow. Yellow and orange are colors I tend to avoid in the garden, but this plucky rose seems happy here. I relish these late blooms from the plants that continue to flower under less than ideal conditions. My college student is on her way back and it was great to have her home. I really appreciate my family, my husband, the things that mostly work and all the goodness that we know, have and share. For this suburban mom, it doesn't really get much better than this.

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