Thursday, November 24, 2011


I am in the midst of thankfulness. Gratitude. Call it what you will. Despite things that seem to impact me a lot, and often adversely, there is so much to appreciate it's hard to know where to begin. So I won't. Being a female born in the United States seems like a stroke of good luck compared to the fate of so many children (so eloquently reported by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times among other, distinguished and caring voices describing the plight of children born elsewhere on our globe) combined with the good fortune of having three healthy children none of whom I imagine will ever be sold in to slavery or forced in to a desperate servitude just to stay alive. There is so much luck and good fortune that I don't begin to know where to start on the gratitude list. So, I only hope you similar lives brimming with good luck and good will and wish you many more days filled with thankfulness.

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