Friday, October 14, 2011

Shadows in Sleepy Hollow

I'd like to say that I live in my very own house of dark shadows, but I don't. However, after watching American Horror Story with my teens (spoiler alert, when the realtor tells you that the previous owners of an underpriced amazing manse died by violent means, keep looking!) I had to check out the classic tv show Dark Shadows on Netflix to relive a few anxiety-ridden moments from my youth. Another reminder- don't go down to an unknown creepy basement alone! (that's why ours is painted all white.) It's almost campy to hear the eerie music while watching the low looming camera angles and people exchanging sinister looks. Sort of like my family on a bad day.
Luckily, unlike Dark Shadows, we live out all our conflicts in full color, but I am always happy to appreciate progress- no matter on what terms.

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