Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Adventures along the road

Before motherhood, I travelled quite a bit for work and always enjoyed it. Sometimes, just being in another locale with the models, wardrobe, client and lay-outs was a total immersion that was stressful, fun and exciting. I shot the images included in this post for Bass Weejun around 1990 on location at a lodge in Colorado. I spent my day executing the photos scheduled or required. Very different from my life today! I am looking anew at all the images that have accumulated and it's fun to re-visit and re-examine.

The model in the images below was a very nice guy and also, like myself at the time, newly single. When I looked at him through my viewfinder, I literally swooned. I admit it. We had a lovely dinner together during the trip. (Later the stylist told me he was the ex-husband of Isabella Rosellini- yes he was intriguing!) Composing an image with him was the only time I really came under the spell of a subject- it was hard to stop taking his photo. It made me think about my many male professional counter-parts who routinely married their models. That was probably the most flirting I have ever felt with a camera in my hands and I enjoyed every minute of it.

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