Monday, August 25, 2014

An Excursion for Mom and Dad

With two kids out of the house and one child remaining (well, we think he stills live with us although he mainly makes appearances for food and rides to town...), doing anything improptu is easily achieved. A beautiful day meant going somewhere outdoors and we headed north to Storm King, a place we have enjoyed visiting in the past. During the summer months, the center is open later on the weekends, which means no matter what time you finally peel away, there is ample opportunity to stroll the grounds, take in the amazing artworks and enjoy the stunning vistas. I'm still adjusting to all the freedom of quasi empty nesters. Going where we want and when we want is a lifetstyle that feels odd and pleasant at the same time. I've enjoyed the ties to our children that parenthood has entailed and this new found liberty will take some getting use to.

But Storm King is an inspiring destination and one I highly recommend.

The Mirror Fence on top is by Alyson Shotz and the current exhibition of Zhang Huan- amazing!

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