Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day around here

It wasn't a memorable Mother's Day. I didn't crave a fancy gift (not with sleep away camp, needed repairs and pending obligations...) or a not fancy one. I found myself cleaning the kitchen for a long spell and then, sort of nothing. My husband worked in the garden. that was his gift to me. It's not the gift I wanted- but whatever. Dinner sort of fell by the way side. I did get a Happy's Mother Day balloon and a while past dinner after I retreated to my bed to feel sad, there was a card. So, that was it. It's a little hard, it's true. You can't help but want more. You can't help but wish that your spouse would organize the kids to do something- a picture, a poem, a flower bouquet. Something that made me feel special. That's not to be.

They say you get what you insist for. You get what you deserve. There's a lot of hurt there and it will take a while before it fades away. My children, I think, get it. My husband is thick and unwilling. Mother's Day 2012 won't make the record books in a good way for sure.
Something else to forget.

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