Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Confession

Okay- as most people know I am a mother, a photographer, a businesswoman, a finder of lost things, an artist, a cook, a chauffeur, a gardener and personal shopper. Oh yes a wife, a friend, a sister and a distinct individual muddling through life as we know it in our slice of heaven on the Hudson. I'm not a very neat person, could be better at forgiving, and not able to not watch an unseen episode of Law and Order.
Does that sum it up now? Have another sip of that white wine or whatever and read a couple of cartoons from any issue from that pile of New Yorkers. You'll be up to speed in no time. And the shoes that you left sitting by your chair when you so casually kicked them off in search of more comfort and relaxation. Please please please put them out of harm's way. Because if there is one thing I hate to be, more than anything else, it's a nag. (to verify ask my kids or my husband)

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