Saturday, April 23, 2011


As the youngest of 5 children, I am pretty wired to be agreeable to whatever someone else wants. I can draw the line when a request is completely wrong but I am very settlement prone and am willing to negotiate. I have found in my life, when one is willing to give exactly what someone wants, in the way and order that they need, you can make a person very content. If I need an adjustment made, I can usually finesse that. It's when I won't comply that I can take a lot of flack. As a kind of pliant female who appears easygoing- well- sometimes it's an utter facade. At times, I am not easygoing at all. My husband and children know all about this. (Probably too) easily hurt and observant of everything that happens, a common refrain I heard from my beaux during the torrid relationships of my youth was "You think too much!!" What a great thing to say to a young woman who had already been set up for life by her wackadoo family.
So here I stand, post menopausal and trying to fill the skin that is mine and own the good, the bad and the ugly that is me.

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