Sometimes nothing is better than a busy day out and about. I met Ellen first thing to attend the keynote speech given by Julián Castro, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development at Cooper Union for the Ideas City 2015 conference. I thought he was brilliant. Introduced by Melissa Mark-Viverito, Speaker of the NYC Council, she herself an ardent voice for social change. So glad I went.
Ellen and I walked to the west side where I met the artist Jeff Way at the Whitney Museum's new location. To say the museum was startling and innovative and the collection organized in really clever ways is an understatement. (Fold in the scores of people walking around in an admiring daze- and it's all a bit overwhelming.)
Jeff Way is a special person to me as he was my first serious art teacher when I went off to college. He encouraged me to attend the Independent Study Program of the Whitney Museum which turned out to be a defining chapter in my life. He and I took in a few floors of the museum and emerged to crowded streets, bright sun, and one vestige of ungentrifried New York- undoubtably destined to house a new tenant given the mix of high end boutiques and chic eating establishments that have sprouted up all around.
We strolled east to less posh Hudson Ave. and settled in for lunch. I haven't seen Jeff for many years and the chance to catch up meant the world to me. Discourse, art and conversation. A perfect New York City day.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Sunday, May 24, 2015
How do you sell happiness in the age of discontent?
(I swiped the title from a recent episode of Silicon Valley on HBO.)
I'm finding happiness lately in horticulture and I don't care how it makes me sound. So much is blooming, unfurling, releasing and pushing in a diverse palette of greens and bright pastels. It's magic coaxed out of the ground of its own transformative power. And the engagement I feel is priceless.
I'm finding happiness lately in horticulture and I don't care how it makes me sound. So much is blooming, unfurling, releasing and pushing in a diverse palette of greens and bright pastels. It's magic coaxed out of the ground of its own transformative power. And the engagement I feel is priceless.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
The Advisor Tells All
As the youngest member of my family and with four older brothers, there were certain realities of life in the suburbs that were inescapable. I learned what boys like, from listening to sporting events on the radio, to checking out each year's new cars, to perusing (usually alone) any copy of Playboy that you could lay your hands on. My father was not the sort of guy to find Playboy interesting (at least I never found any thing racy when I poked around their room- looking at the effects of the grown-ups in my life). No, there had to have been a more illicit source that allowed this distinct periodical to enter our house (only to be hidden away under a bed or in a drawer). My mother was not particularly nosy, so you would not be found out. She was too busy reading Trollope, or Proust, or Dickens or a pile of mystery novels to pay us a lot of attention. We five kids mostly did the right thing and didn't require all that much minding as I recall.
I did find the stash of Playboys and aside from the very provocative photos of some very lovely ladies wearing little to no clothes, I was fascinated by the Playboy Advisor who answered readers' intimate questions with a lot of information shared in a frank and unembarrassed tone. My eyes were opened wide to what transpires between consenting adults and as a young teenager, I was completely amazed. So when I came upon a box of old Playboys at a tag sale I had to pick up a few for sentimental reasons. It took me back to a time of true innocence and boundless curiosity. Interesting times in a young girl's life to remember.
Monday, May 11, 2015
In the Resale Lane
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Mother's Day around Here
I had a completely fine Mother's Day. Kept it simple and when you factor in that all three of my children wished me Happy Mother's Day (and one offspring delivered some sweet gifts yesterday with a handmade card), I was content. My husband and I took in the very thought provoking film Ex Machina and so many flowers are blooming in my yard that I don't really know where to begin.
Making the mashed sweet potatoes for Sunday dinner seemed par for the course. As a mother I have accepted that one of my greater talents is keeping the wheel of our family moving forward- no matter what day it is.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Our youngest commemorates another year and the goal is to find a way to communicate and keep it real. Hoping these exchanges signify a desire to be close and know each other truly. Always a gamble as your offspring mature and plan their next chapter-beyond the scope of home and family. Nothing wrong there-all par for the course. Still, I wax nostalgic for when he was younger and our lives were more entwined. Sweet times I'll long cherish and remember.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
A Flotilla of Millinery on the Upper East Side
I had a busy Manhattan day and on my to-do list was a visit to The Museum of the City of New York to see the Paul Rand show (What a brilliant and complex talent. A true innovator). Approaching the museum I noticed women wearing all manner of interesting hats along with the appropriate ensemble and accessorized to the hilt. I had to photograph this gathering but knew as an uninvited participant I had to work fast and under the radar. (And not exceed my welcome.)
Amazing all the levels of cultural and social discourse the city affords. You never know what you'll see when you are there.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
The Oasis of Friendship
Sometimes life leaves you feeing particularly discombobulated. Job loss, health issues, global events, relationship problems. Even though by all that is visible, things appear okay, viable, I know in my heart that I am changing internally. I want something else for myself. Not sure if it can happen as things currently stand or do I need to rip things apart at the seams to fashion the next chapter.
Eating dinner at the Glover's in their tranquil dining room affording a view and the light from the river was a pleasant reprieve after a rocky week. I know there will likely be more challenging times to come and I am determined to appreciate when grace and kindness come my way.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Happy May Day

James and I and our dog, Comet took a ride to Newark,
N.J. after lunch to visit Branch
Brook Park to see their famous cherry trees. Even past
"peak" it was a dazzling display. Branch Brook was designed
in 1867 by Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvin Vaux and is considered
one of "10
Great Public Places" in America. I'm so glad we got to see the spectacle of these beautiful trees.
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