Saturday, November 29, 2014
An evening with Metropolis
Lately consuming culture is more appealing than consuming goods- so a local showing of Metropolis at the Tarrytown Music Hall piqued my interest and James was onboard. The theatre was mostly empty (I guess the mall was filled with many more temptations....) which made it perfect for stealth photographing from my seat. Only my husband was annoyed and he kept his grumblings to himself.
Filmed in the late 20's, this silent masterpiece is filled with moments of amazing art direction, utter overacting, grandiose set designs and montages that describe a future world of worker and magnate, occupying two distinctly different worlds and a chilling vehicle from the past that seems very relevant today.
Two and half hours later- we emerge in to the chilly darkness. I am often in awe of artistic efforts that survive the test of time and Metropolis proved to be a visual treat on many many levels.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Inside Looking Out
I love when the sunset spreads its hue to the clouds overhead before night falls.
Monday, November 24, 2014
I've been keeping myself busy at home and as others might agree- being around one's house with the many repairs, chores and ongoing maintenance that beckon is often the least relaxing place to be. "Fix me!" "File me!" "Put me away" are only a few of the ad nauseum voices that go through my mind as I try to focus my energies.
Given my inability to run hither and yon. distractions and treats have been a source of well being and friends and neighbors have been thoughtfully coming by leaving delectable edibles for us (and our son's friends) to consume.
This makes me grateful and thankful at the same time for their concern and consideration. And I wish you all the same.....
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Day 9
Ninth day home and restless feelings prevail- craving wellness and missing my routines of work, meetings, chores, errands and socializing beyond these walls. As the days unfurl in these very familiar rooms memories meander through my thoughts like the dancing rays of sunlight illuminating the sheers.
Friday, November 21, 2014
In the Zone
I've spent all week taking it easy and goofing off with my camera whenever I can. I'm happy to report that my family and friends have been taking excellent care of me and I think my recovery is going well. Hope you like these photos taken out our bedroom window. What a beautiful orange glow!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Recovering in Sleepy Hollow
I'm on the other side of my hip replacement surgery and now have a very serious looking bandage on the front of my left thigh. The whole procedure went as well as could be expected and I was sent home after spending one night in the hospital.
I was very anxious going in (canceling certainly crossed my mind). Having had nothing to eat or drink for close to 14 hours, during my pre-surgery exam I felt lightheaded and poised to faint, something I feared would interfere with the procedure. But I rallied and after getting situated on the table in the operating room I awoke in recovery to the hum and blur of post op activity and found my husband and daughter Nora smiling at me with relief.
It was startling to me how many personnel tended to me in one way or another, upwards of 25 staff in about a 24 hour window. Thankfully I never forgot my name, my birth date or why I was there- which seems to be their litmus test of mental acuity. Now I am in the throes of recovery and while I am sore and bruised, I'm happy to be in the recuperative phase with physical therapy due to begin tomorrow.
And to Dr. Davidovitch and everyone at N.Y.U. Hospital for Joint Diseases, you have my appreciation and gratitude- more than you'll ever know.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Big Day
I'm off to the hospital shortly to have my hip replaced- so my emotions run high as I prepare to undergo this procedure. Moments like this remind me of how fragile we all are and how tentative well being really is. I am placing myself in the hands of an excellent surgeon and like many seeking care to repair their body, their souls and/or their lives I am hoping for an excellent outcome as I commit to doing the work required to help make it happen.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Facing the Unknown

I'm having surgery this week. Nothing life threatening- but a procedure that has loomed over me for quite awhile. So my cookie jar of fears has been upended and it's hard not to examine my life with an eye calculated to worry and regret at the same time.
Trying to take comfort in small things grounds me to the here and now. Never a simple task when the past and the future consume me. Here's to living in the present- for all those who know how to do it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
A Delicate Balance
For all of you parents of the teenaged set, you might have encountered some dangerous ground where your offspring are concerned- as in sharing anything remotely personal about them with anyone- even something as potentially harmless as the fact that you are indeed related. (I have witnessed many cringe inducing moments when my children have to acknowledge that I am their mother- and as a women of a "certain age" who has all her faculties intact and still looks respectable in jeans- well, I know they could have done a lot worse, but I digress....). This morning after a quick glance at someone's whose name I will not mention I noticed that a certain level of attention to his grooming might be in order- so I took the plunge and ordered him the above. If I am truly lucky (and given that he has no interest in this blog whatsoever) I will escape embarrassing us both with this post and bring the shadow of a smile to his face when the package arrives.
That's the hope if truth be told.
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Battle of the Books (as seen by me)
I've had the pleasure to photograph the annual report for the Westchester Library System two years in a row and I recently completed the work required to bring this document to life. Along the way I've met many caring librarians and support personnel and a lot of interesting patrons who make libraries the vital community places that they are. But my personal favorite was covering "The Battle of the Books"-an event which involved teams of school aged kids who spent weeks reading and studying the titles selected for this lively contest. And the joy on the faces of the students who won- priceless!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Feathering the Nest
The end of daylight savings inspires a bittersweet Sunday- knowing that the glow of the afternoon will fade to dark by 5 p.m. It's a not so gentle reminder that winter and frigid temperatures await us as I cast a critical eye at what needs repairing before we find ourselves burrowing in to stuffed chairs, with books, papers, digital devices and daydreams constituting the weekend activities of choice.
I've been resisting tag sales with the goal of simplifying rather than accumulating but during our daughter's quick visit home from college she wanted to visit our favorite local Goodwill, so with a few hours to kill we happily sifted through piles and examined the racks of offerings. Among the assorted treasures I found this vibrant silk tie whose quirky pattern I could not resist.
And my husband was only too quick to tell me when I showed it to him- "Well, I'm not wearing that!"
What a surprise!! (Not.)
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