Saturday, December 24, 2011

Away from it all

We have come to a place of heartbreaking scenery with the stunning culture clash of life on an island. The only white faces we see are our fellow visitors, colonists, the whole 9 yards of the well to do with lots of the less well to do wanting to sell you something, drive you somewhere or just plain meet some need.
So, it's very eye opening for my kids to see what poverty looks like. I know upon our return all the many comforts, luxuries and amenities of our life in Sleepy Hollow will appear differently after our visit here. The beaches are beyond exquisite and no one has any interest in shopping or presents or accumulating a thing- except sea shells and memories. So, it's very sweet. It took traveling a fair ways for my children to realize how much they actually like being together.
No one runs off at meal time, or needs to call a friend, or doesn't feel like eating right now. We start the day by hopping in our rental car (yes my talented husband has managed right hand driving) with many prompts from the peanut gallery. "Dad! Watch out!!" "Dad, check out the goats about to cross the road!!" or best yet "Dad!! Speed bump!!!" My husband has risen to greater heights of gallantry as he corrals belongings and we trying to figure out what we want to do next. This is a very expensive place to vacation- excursions (like a boat ride to a neighboring island)cost $100.00 per person-so a $500 outing seems especially steep to us all. We have lived under such reduced means for so long- that spending money frivolously is hard. But, we are doing our best on our modest resources to enjoy ourselves as lavishly as possible. Christmas this year promises a lack of stress and no one will be disappointed with what they did or didn't get because there are no gifts whatsoever- unless you count the lazy days we are sharing in a place kissed by sunshine, warm breezes and tourquoise waters of infinite beauty and delight.


  1. very nice report and love the pic from the plane....gave me a mini vacation! okokathy

  2. trying to comment...not sure I'm doing this right....Love your pic from the plane....very nice report in all...thanks for a mini vacation! kathy
