Monday, August 1, 2011

Unusual in Sleepy Hollow

It's been hot and humid and everyone has been longing for rain. Focusing on my chores, my usual suspects were relaxing as ever. Crack, snap, ping, and whack! Looking out the window, golfball sized hail stones were descending in a wicked frenzy. Nora wore a bicycle helmut as she made a mad run to the car to head over to a friend's. Sarah, Jacob and I stared out the windows in sheer amazement. Comet hid under the table and waited for the strange sounds to pass. And me, I had to dash out into the elements to experience this unique folly. An hour later, all had melted away. Glad though that I convinced Jacob to help me out, please! Three frames in, he bolted off. "Mom! Enough!! My hands are freezing!!"

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