Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The return to cool

The heat has broken, and with it my ability to think straight. Nothing like a week of soaring temperatures to put a certain demonic spin on things. My family managed in a weird daze of sulkiness and apathy. Going outside seemed its own kind of brutal punishment unless you were jumping in to the car, turning on the a.c. and dashing off to anywhere. The medication I took for my poison ivy had its own side effects as well of putting me in to an utter funk. Ah yes, fun fun fun.
Emerging on the other side- temperatures in the 80's! and as the rash left my system I pondered the sadness that engulfed me. Looking around, I realize the best way to proceed is to focus my purpose, make the world a better place and try to remember all the good that I know and have.

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